Art Blanc
Personal website of Art Blanc


This is where I write for the web.

Posts tagged review
One-Star Reviews

John Scalzi quotes a few one-star reviews of Redshirts, his latest bestseller. And he says:

It’s part of the territory, and the sooner one as a creator comes to grips with it and accepts it as part of the process, the better off one will be. I think as a creator you owe your audience your best efforts, but if at the end of your best effort some of them are still not happy, the best response is, oh, well, maybe next time. You will never make everyone happy. If you try, you’ll likely create something mediocre, and then nobody will be happy. Least of all you.

(via Brent Simmons)

FF Tundra Review by Caren Litherland

Design too insistent on calling attention to itself, Gerard Unger once remarked, can turn readers into lookers. Yet he was quick to point out that details matter in running text: noticing them, however fleetingly or unwittingly, allows readers to come up for air and put things into perspective. What we call “reading” is, in fact, a constant negotiation between looking and reading.

It’s a typeface review article so, why did I quote this paragraph? Because it’s insightful and illuminating. Also FF Tundra looks like a well-rounded workhorse of a typeface.