A ballerina balancing on a thread at the back of a frame. Such lyrical quality, an intangible beauty. This… is art, bravo Banksy.
(via The Fox is Black)
This is where I write for the web.
A ballerina balancing on a thread at the back of a frame. Such lyrical quality, an intangible beauty. This… is art, bravo Banksy.
(via The Fox is Black)
The images come from a series of work called A Minor Place and they focus on the architecture and environments of leisure. They are empty, vacant spaces and yet they feel unthreatening. For Martin, the staring point for this work came from the architect Robert Venturi. Venturi believes that these types of spaces are non-hierarchal and anti-judgmental. Because of this, buildings designed for leisure can surpasses High Modernism in their ability to create spaces that give their inhabitants what they want as opposed to what they need. It’s a fascinating theory in regards to architecture and space but really it’s the pure aesthetics of Martin’s work that draws me in. You can view the complete set of works from this series online here.
Understated yet powerful, very beautiful.
The fish are painted meticulously, layer by layer, the sandwiched slices revealing slightly more about each creature, similar to the function of a 3D printer.
Amazing. Watch the video.