jonathan ive — Blog — Art Blanc
Personal website of Art Blanc


This is where I write for the web.

Posts tagged jonathan ive
Traditional Technology

Vogue interview Tim Cook and Jony Ive:

“Both the hand and the machine can produce things with exquisite care or with no care at all,” says Ive. “But it’s important to remember that what was seen at one time as the most sophisticated technology eventually becomes tradition. There was a time when even the metal needle would have been seen as shocking and profoundly new.”

Pursuit of Greatness

Bono on Jonathan Ive:

What the competitors don’t seem to understand is you cannot get people this smart to work this hard just for money. Jony is Obi-Wan. His team are Jedi whose nobility depends on the pursuit of greatness over profit, believing the latter will always follow the former, stubbornly passing up near-term good opportunities to pursue great ones in the distance.

(Via Daring Fireball)